Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Effects of Israeli Force

A sign of Spanish origin advocating for Gaza freedom (x)
In June of 2014, three Israeli teens were kidnapped in the West Bank and the government of Israel took to blaming Hamas (current sources find it was the actions of Qawasameh). The Israeli Defense Forces began an initiative of searching and arresting Hamas leaders (known as Operation Brother's Keeper) and then instated Operation Protective Edge, which involved weeks of bombarding Palestine. The war lasted 50 days and has since reached a ceasefire but the after-effects of this combat have been devastating. Makarim Wibisono, a Palestinian- based human rights watchdog has published results on the experience of Gaza residents. The excessive Israeli force has left 1,479 civilians dead and 11,231 injured. Wibisono stressed the impact this action has caused on children and found wide-spread evidence of trauma, not to mention the 228 schools damaged, 60,000 civilians living in shelters and the critical shortage of medical resources. Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, spoke of the events as a "genocide" and "accused Israel of planning 'ghettos for Palestinians on fragmented land, without borders and without sovereignty over its airspace, water and natural resources, which will be under the subjugation of the racist settlers and army of occupation, and at worst will be a most abhorrent form of apartheid.'" Many countered that this language was harsh and unhelpful. Wibisono comments that “Israel’s claim of self-defense against an occupied population living under a blockade considered to be illegal under international law is untenable."


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